When most people think of wallpaper, they are immediately taken back to their grandma’s old house from the 70s. Surprisingly, the wallpaper trend is making a big comeback in 2021. Whether it’s to make a large statement in a powder room, highlight an accent wall in a bedroom, or just to add dimension in the kitchen, wallpaper can bring excitement and drama to any room. JWH offers practical advice about different ways to use wallpaper in a space:
1. The Drama

Time and time again, people want to bring more color into their homes but are unable to find the perfect color. Wallpaper to the rescue! By using wallpaper, you are able to bring multiple colors into your home in an organic way. One common place we are seeing this trend is half baths or powder rooms. Because this space is smaller and not visually connected to adjoining rooms, there are a lot of options for trying something bold. By picking a dramatic wallpaper for a smaller space, you can create a showstopper moment. It can also make the room feel bigger than it is. Picking wallpaper for a large-scale space can seem more daunting, so starting with a bathroom might be the best way to dip your toes in the water.

2. Texture/ Dimension
One of the most important elements of interior design is dimension and texture. According to Ideal Home, “Texture is going to continue to be key throughout interiors, whether it’s sumptuous upholstery or tactile soft furnishings – homes need to be layered with texture. We want the decoration to speak to us, literally as if whispering ‘touch me, I’m irresistible.” By adding textured paper such as grass-cloth to a space you are instantly adding some character into a room while also creating depth and dimension. This technique works beautifully in a larger-scale room such as a Kitchen or Dining Room. By picking a more simple paper, you can trick the eye and make the room look bigger than it is.
3. Picking a paper
Although the wallpaper trend is on the rise, it can often be hard to pick the right one. Here is a great place to start: LA Design Concepts When looking for wallpapers, make sure that the colors interact nicely with the space, and the pattern speaks to YOU! Ideal Home stated, “‘Wallpaper is a key trend for 2021, and the insatiable appetite from consumers doesn’t look like abating any time soon,’ says David Harris, Design Director at Andrew Martin. ‘Whatever your taste, there is something for everyone. From traditional florals and trompe l’oeil to contemporary geometric and tropical patterns or animal motifs and architectural designs.’” Wallpapers are also a great opportunity to bring the outdoor elements inside your home. By picking a floral or nature-based wallpaper, you can make your space feel like an extension of the outside.
Whether you are redesigning your whole house, or just want to elevate one room, wallpaper is here to help! For more inspiration for creating fabulous spaces within your home, check out our JWH Houzz Profile..